Iceland: Progressive Party in hot water over anti-mosque comments

Sveinbjörg Birna SveinbjörnsdóttirSveinbjörg Birna Sveinbjörnsdóttir, first on the Progressive Party’s list in Reykjavík for Saturday’s municipal elections, voiced her opposition to the proposed mosque in Reykjavík on Friday. Reykjavík City Council has already allocated a lot for the mosque and construction is set to begin this year.

Sveinbjörg told that her opinion was not based on prejudice but on experience, having lived in Saudi Arabia for one year. She said that it was important for people to abide by the customs in a country in which they move to.

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Reykjavík police show little interest in desecration of mosque site

Reykjavík mosque site desecration

Three pig heads and bloodied pages of the Koran were scattered across the plot of land allocated to the Association of Muslims in Iceland for the building of a mosque on Wednesday.

Professor at the University of Iceland’s law department Björg Thorarensen says the incident could be classified as a hate crime but Benedikt Lund at Reykjavík Metropolitan Police told that it is unlikely that the case will be investigated as they don’t have any evidence. The animal parts and pages of the Koran were discarded by City employees tasked with cleaning up the site after the incident.

According to Benedikt, the police officer on the scene said that there was some paper at the site but didn’t know whether it was related to the issue.

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Resisting the Islamification of Iceland

Ólafur F. MagnússonLoonwatch draws our attention to a controversy in Iceland over a proposal to build a mosque in the capital city of Reykjavík. A former mayor of Reykjavík, Ólafur F. Magnússon, has been expressing his outrage over the city council’s decision to grant planning permission.

“Muslims are spreading around the world and we have to keep them at bay,” Magnússon declared last week on a radio talk show. He added: “Islam is a religion that has a strategy of eliminating other religions and spreading all over the world. The experience of Scandinavia shows that Muslims don’t integrate into society. This has become a huge problem, for example in Malmö.”

He also attacked the left over its attitude Islam: “It is quite amazing that a lot of local feminists should be so in favour of Muslims in Iceland. It is built into the faith that women are oppressed.”

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