Tories demand Livingstone be banned from Pride

Qaradawi and MayorLGBTory, the Conservative LGBT group, today called for Ken Livingstone to be banned from this weekend’s London Pride.

They claim he should not be able to attend unless he repudiates his friendships with people infamous for their extreme views against gay men and women, including banned Muslim cleric Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

The move comes after Livingstone publicly criticised Boris Johnson for falling short on gay equality issues. Now, the Chairman of LGBTory, Matthew Sephton, says that the Labour Mayoral candidate is using the high-profile event as a political tactic.

He told “Mr Livingstone’s record on LGBT equality is shameful, proved time and time again by his close friendships with barbaric, anti-gay regimes and repugnant characters who believe homosexuality is not only a crime but that gay people should be killed.

“He should not be allowed to hi-jack and exploit this weekend’s parade and risk undermining core values of such Pride events unless he ditches his links with such regimes and unsavoury characters.”

Pink Paper, 1 July 2011