Muslim groups warn tabloids inspire attacks

Express front pageMuslim groups warn tabloids inspire attacks

Morning Star, 29 July 2005

Muslim community leaders accused “xenophobic” tabloids such as the Daily Express yesterday of sparking a violent upsurge of racial attacks in the wake of the recent terror attacks.

The Muslim Association of Britain said that the “hysterical” gutter press – the Express, the Daily Mail and the Sun – had stoked up racial unrest, simply to sell papers, putting British Muslims in danger.

The Islamic Human Rights Commission said that violent attacks have increased 13-fold since July 7. Committee chairman Massoud Shadjareh revealed that verbal and physical assaults have increased from a base rate of six or seven per week to more than 170 in the last fortnight.

Nine mosques have been attacked, a garage has been fire-bombed, people are being assaulted on the street and homes have had their windows broken, he revealed.

Muslim Association of Britain spokesperson Azzam Tamimi said: “We hold the tabloids and also the Telegraph responsible for the spread of hatred against Muslims.”

“They talk nonsense, spreading hatred and fear in our country”, he insisted. “If the Prime Minister wants to bring in new anti-terror legislation, it should be against these people – who are exploiting the terrible situation, spreading hatred to sell papers”, Me Tamimi pointed out.

Wednesday’s front page headline in the Daily Express, which read Bombers Are All Spongeing Asylum Seekers was “particularly dangerous and has incited violence against a whole community”, he stressed.

The Muslim Safety Forum agreed, warning that continuing to allow the “racist media” to victimise and criminalise British Muslims would cause a “backlash” in the community.