Are you eating food sacrificed to idols?

Pastor Mark BiltzAnd you thought this was an hysterical overreaction to the prospect of eating meat from an animal that had received an Islamic blessing before it was slaughtered?

You should check out this report over at WorldNetDaily, which asks: “When you bite into a delicious pizza, succulent sandwich or luscious lamb chops, are you possibly eating food that has been sacrificed to idols?”

Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries in Bonney Lake, Washington, has alerted his congregation to the threat of “backdoor Shariah”. In a recent sermon that he posted online, Biltz explained that “Muslims can only eat food that is halal, that has been sacrificed to their idol, Allah … and with Allah’s name prayed over it. You could be eating beef, chicken, etc., offered up to Allah and not even know it…. It could be on your pizza without you knowing it, or at your favorite restaurant. People don’t realize they could be eating meat sacrificed to idols!”

Still, not to worry, it will all be sorted in a few years anyway, as Biltz has predicted the second coming of Christ for 2015.