Another member of the ‘non-racist’ EDL exposed

Portsmouth Nazi Watch provided useful details of two English Defence League members who recently appeared at Portsmouth Crown Court (see here and here). It has now posted a revealing report on another local EDL member, a self-confessed petty crook named James Bateman, whose Facebook page lists his religious beliefs as “see a muslim kill a muslim”.

Of course, we know that Islam isn’t a race, so calling for Muslims to be killed isn’t racist, any more than trying to burn down a mosque, is it? However, Bateman rather undermines that argument by describing his political views as “send them black cunts back” and posting comments about “smelly pakis”.

Given EDL leader Stephen Lennon’s assurance that he takes a vigorous stand against racism (“I’m not going to say that there aren’t any racists in the EDL but we find out who they are and we kick them out”) there do still seem to be a lot of violent racists left in his organisation, don’t there?