Christian Peoples Alliance defends bishop over Islam comments

Alan Craig in churchThe leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance group on Newham Council, Cllr Alan Craig, has come out in support of the Bishop of Rochester, the Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, after he warned on Sunday that Islamic extremism was creating “no-go areas” for people of a different faith.

Cllr Craig commended the Bishop as “courageous” for highlighting the “deliberate creation of Muslim enclaves by radical Islamists in Britain”. “Of course the Bishop will get attacked by ostriches who hide their heads in the sand and hope the problem will go away,” said Cllr Craig.

The CPA leader has spearheaded a lengthy campaign against the building of a giant mosque next to the London Olympics site in east London by the controversial Tablighi Jamaat group.

“Mega-mosque promoters Tablighi Jamaat have just such a track record of creating a Muslim enclave around their current UK headquarters mosque in the Saville Town area of Dewsbury in West Yorkshire,” said Cllr Craig. “Muslim superiority and separatism is what Tablighi Jamaat preach, and Muslim ghettos are often the result. That’s why we don’t want the Tablighi Jamaat mega-mosque in our diverse east London where social cohesion and integration are highly valued.”

He added, “LibDem leader Nick Clegg should visit Dewsbury before he further criticises Dr Nazir-Ali. He should see for himself the ‘parallel society’ Tablighi Jamaat have established in the streets around their mosque.”

Christian Today, 7 December 2008

BNP blogger English Rose, initiator of the notorious “mega-mosque” petition (see here, here and here), endorses Craig’s stand in support of Nazir-Ali.