‘Sordid world of Muslim grooming exposed’ – by BNP and Anne Cryer

“The sordid world of Muslim Asian grooming of white under-age girls has been ‘exposed’ in the mainstream press; three years after the BNP first brought this scandal to the public attention. Today’s Sunday Times carries a report on the jailing of Zulfqar Hussain, 46, and Qaiser Naveed, 32, from east Lancashire, after exploiting two girls aged under 16 by plying them with alcohol and drugs before having sex with them….

“Fear of offending the Muslim communities appears to take precedence over helping our young daughters but every single craven police officer, every council official who fails to act in the interests of justice is as guilty as the Muslim predator who defiles a white schoolgirl.

“Labour MP Anne Cryer robustly said that there is a cultural difference: ‘I think there is a problem with the view Asian men generally have about white women. Their view about white women is generally fairly low’.”

BNP news article, 12 August 2007